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Are you safe online?

We have been learning about Internet safety and have looked at an array of websites and internet "dos" and "don'ts".

We have learnt that: 

  • Once it's online you can't take it off! 
  • THINK before you upload and post. 
  • Think about what you type. If the message was sent to you, how would you feel?

The NSPCC have some great advice and tips for parents who want to understand more about keeping their children safe online. You can find these great resources by clicking the link below. 

NSPCC Online Safety 

Everyone should: 
S - Stay safe 
M - Don't meet up 
A - Accept emails only from people you know
R - Remember that information on the Internet isn't always reliable
T - Tell someone if something happens that makes you feel upset


Using tools such as Skype can be good for keeping in touch with others, especially if you have friends or family living abroad. But you still need to remember that safety rules should still apply. Don't talk to people you don't know and don't arrange to meet up with anyone you only know on the internet. Children should also not be sharing inappropriate photos or videos online. 


We have some tips for staying safe online which are included in the links below. Watch each video clip and have a think about what you could do differently to keep yourself safe. If you're a parent watching you are very important - you can find some more advice about keeping your children safe at the link below! Make sure you take some ideas to keep your children safe as well.


Parents' Guide for safe Youtube and Internet Streaming for Kids
BBC Webwise Stay Safe Online 
Parents advice for keeping children safe online