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Internet Safety

Our children love to use the internet specially to play games and to communicate with their friends. The way they start using computers and the guidance they are given at this young age can set them on the right path to being safer in later life.

At our school we ensure that our children are taught the basic tips of Internet Safety in every year group.

We recently had an Internet Safety Day. It was run by Paul Hay who is an expert in Internet Safety. Paul worked with the teachers to lead an assembly and run class lessons.

For the younger years, we use a cartoon which was created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency (CEOPs).

You can see the cartoon on YouTube by clicking here 

They learn the 4 Top Tips they need to remember.

  • Top Tip 1 : People online may not be who they say they are.
  • Top Tip 2 : Be nice to people online.
  • Top Tip 3 : Do not share private information.
  • Top Tip 4 : If you are worried tell an adult

You can download your copy of the 4 Top Tips Here

The cartoon Is one of a series created by CEOP aimed at primary years. All three cartoons can be found here

Years 5 and 6 had an extended special lesson to help them understand social media and how to be careful using it. It included looking at private information and how to be careful with what they share with strangers.


It is important for all parents to learn about how children use the internet so they can carry on the discussion with their own children at home.

Paul has provided links to useful sites to learn more about Internet Safety and watch other related videos. Here is the site


Paul is also happy for parents to contact him with any questions you may have.


NSPCC Response & Advice for Parents: A spokesperson for the NSPCC said: "The constantly evolving digital world means a steady influx of new apps and games and can be hard for parents to keep track of. That's why it's important for parents to talk regularly with children about these apps and games and the potential risks they can be exposed to.  "The NSPCC publishes advice and guidance for parents on discussing overall online safety with their children, as well as promoting Net Aware - the UK's only parental guide to social media and gaming apps.’

If adults are concerned or have any questions on how to approach the subject with their children, they can contact the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or visit the NSPCC website. Children who are worried about their activity on apps or online games can contact Childline 24 hours a day, online and over the phone on 0800 1111.


"Digital Parenting" magazine

An organisation called Parentzone have created a great magazine for parents to help them understand how young people use the internet and provide help.

Click here to download your own copy  


Click here for the online version

Click here to download your own copy





It is important that there is a dialogue between children and their parents about ways to stay safe online.

We ask all pupils to sign a copy of our 'Acceptable Use Policy', which sets out the rules we expect all pupils to follow in relation to ICT use within school.

Here are some useful links to help you to keep your children safe online:

Thinkuknow: This is an excellent resource for children of all ages on how to stay safe online.

KidScape: A great link to open discussion on cyber bullying for primary school children.

Stay safe online: A document compiled at school with tips for parents and children on how to stay safe online.


UK safer internet centre.