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North Waltham School

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A curriculum that is interesting and motivating and by ensuring that children feel happy, safe and valued in school.


On behalf of the children, staff and governors I would like to welcome you to North Waltham Primary School.  As headteacher, I am proud to lead an inclusive school where kindness permeates and excellent learning behaviours from all are paramount. We achieve high academic outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2 which are significantly higher than National data. 

I hope you find our website informative and easy to navigate. Through looking at the pages you should get a good idea about the life of our school. We are a happy, friendly and welcoming school. Our values are engrained in our every day learning and we value the whole child whilst achieving high academic outcomes. As you will see, we have a wonderful environment comprising historic buildings, attractive classrooms and extensive grounds.

We endeavour to provide a learning environment that meets the needs of all our learners, both those who achieve high academic standards and those who need more support to learn and achieve well. We do this by offering a curriculum that is interesting and motivating and by ensuring that children feel happy, safe and valued in school. We have high expectations of both staff and the children. Relationships are central to ensuring that every child is nurtured in order to develop within them a positivity and confidence to embrace learning. 

Our children leave us with the skills, values and knowledge to prepare them for the next phase of their education, as well as happy memories of their time at our village school. 

I hope you enjoy using this website to find out more about us. By using the links you can find out more about our aims, ethos and the general life of the school.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you would like to visit or have further questions. I would be delighted to show you around our school so that you can experience for yourself the positive, kind and focused environment we have established here.

For information about wrap around care please go to the Parent page where you will see information about our breakfast club and after school club. 

Emma Cady