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Admissions Policy 2025/26

Admissions Policy 2024/25

Admissions Policy 2023/24

Admissions Policy 2022-23 updated February 2023

Admission Policy 2022/23

Admission Policy 2021/22

Admissions Policy 2020/21         

We hope that you have found lots of useful information from our webpage.  We are always happy to show prospective pupils and parents around the school.  Through visiting us you will be able to experience our positive learning environment and find out more about how we work. Relationships between children, staff and parents are key to ensuring success for all and as a village school we establish these strong links from early on in your journey with us. We aim to ensure your child embraces school life and leaves us in year 6 ready to thrive in their next steps of education. 

Applications for North Waltham Primary school need to be made through Hampshire Admissions. Please take careful note of closing dates. Once your application has been made to and accepted by Hampshire County Council, a start date will be agreed between our school and yourselves. You will then receive formal written confirmation of your place from our school, along with accompanying paperwork and information about our school. Our Published Admissions Number (PAN) for all years is currently 24 children. 

Prior to making your application, please call to make an appointment to visit our school, we would be delighted to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have. Please contact the admin office on 01256 397344 or adminoffice@northwaltham.hants.sch.uk

For further information on admissions and appeals, please follow the link below:
